Fifty Books I've Loved and Learned From - Book ONE: Confessions of a Pastor
I've completely stolen this blog topic idea from my good friend Joel Bennett . Joel is a great ministry coach and mentor and I strongly encourage you to check out his site. I'm a big reader... and I've been incredibly blessed/challenged/stretched/broken/encouraged over the years through some fantastic books. So, like Joel is doing on his Facebook page, I decided I would blog about the 50 books that have had a big impact on me. Now, before we start... let me just flat out say, the Bible is really NUMBER ONE! That's a given... these are the fifty books that come AFTER the Bible :) BOOK ONE: Confessions of a Pastor by Craig Groeschel I actually stumbled on this book during a pretty low point in my ministry. I hadn't been in ministry all that long... maybe a year and a half... and I was already feeling myself heading towards a burnout. I was losing my joy and passion for Jesus and for the church... and I couldn't explain why. Then God gave me the answer. Lik...