What Are You Afraid Of?
Yesterday at Greenbelt we wrapped up our series called Resolutions: Living the Life You Know You Should. This has been a really great series to get us to look closely at our lives and ask ourselves why don't we live the life that we want to... but we just don't seem to be able to make the necessary changes. I concluded the series talking about being FEARLESS. Let's face it... if we were really honest with each other, everyone is afraid of something. It could be big things like death, illness, injury, or lost of employment. Or it could be little things like afraid of letting people down. Regardless of what fear you have... the truth is, we all have them. And I believe that's why the Bible has so much to say about being FEARLESS. From beginning to end the Bible is constantly telling us that we don't need to be afraid. Fear will constantly get in the way of the life that you want to have. Fear will always cripple you and keep you stuck. And...