The Road to Intentionality
Earlier this year I was explaining what my job is like to guy who has never attended church. When I worked in the computer industry, that was pretty easy to explain: I develop computer software to help companies work more efficiently and effectively. As a pastor, trying to explain my role to someone with no concept of church apart from what he sees in movies or reads about in the news, was much harder. I tried to keep it to a one sentence answer. I tried "I help people become more like Jesus" but, of course, that makes no sense to someone who doesn't even believe that Jesus ever existed... then I tried "I lead my church" but again, he has no clue what goes on in a church so that meant nothing to him. I was then required to break it down into many different short sentences. I prepare a 45 minute sermon in order to help people understand the Bible better, make it relevant to their lives and help them apply it in their daily living. I lead the chur...