
Showing posts from February, 2015

My Greatest Struggle in Ministry

Pastoral ministry is an amazing calling.  I'm still in awe that I'm get to do what I love so much every day.  It's a wonderful work... but far from easy. Over the past eight years of pastoral work I have had to learn a lot about myself.... and others.  I try hard to learn and grow... to learn from my mistakes... and improve from them... all the while trusting in the power and guidance of God, growing in my love of Him and His church. My greatest struggle in ministry still remains my greatest struggle.  It comes back regularly... and it's hard to explain in one short statement... but I'll try. Because I live, eat, breathe, and sleep church life, I know everything going on here, far more than anyone else.  That gives me more insight in where we need to go as a church... and my struggle comes when others can't see what I see... and I can't seem to get them to see it... My heart breaks for what people are struggling with.  The hurts, pain, loneliness,...