
Showing posts from October, 2009

Would You Really?

Today I want to celebrate all that God has been doing in his church through men and women who have had the guts to follow His call and direction... especially when it would have been really hard and had great cost to do so. God has done some AWESOME things in the world because of people who were willing to challenge how the church works and to do what needed to be done... even though those decisions wouldn't have been popular or even considered acceptable. Could you imagine what would it feel like to be called by God to be the first church to do something radically different from every other church in your community? What would you do? How would you even consider this if there were no books, no conferences and not a single other church doing this that you could study? You were completely and totally on your own on how to make it happen... Would you protest the most powerful religious organization and make a list how it should be updated? Someone did that! Would you be the very...

Wrapping Up Our Wild Goose Chase

This Sunday at LifeSpring we're wrapping up our series "Wild Goose Chase" based on the book by Mark Batterson. This series has been INCREDIBLY exciting for me. It's been a real blast to teach on this topic that was so important in my own personal spiritual growth last year! It was sooooo cool to see people at LifeSpring get excited about it as well. It was so amazing to see people working through their own cages in order to start getting out of them and truly desiring to live a life of following and trusting the Holy Spirit. It was so humbling seeing people getting excited about what God wants to be doing at our church. And it just floored me that God started bringing new families to our church through this series! GOD IS SO AMAZING!!! I just gotta shout out a HUGE thank you to Mark Batterson for writing the book and the team at Threads Media for putting together the small group curriculum! You guys rock!!! I'm actually going to be kind of sad when thi...

So Nice to Go Home!

It's kinda weird how important "going home" is. You know... that feeling of going to that special place where your childhood memories are so strong it just gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling. For my wife and I, we don't really have that "home" to go to. We both moved around growing up. My parents now live in a house and town that I never lived in. Our family is spread out and all in homes and towns that we never lived in. So when we get together it's great... but it just seems to be missing that "going home" feeling. On Sunday, I finally felt that "going home" feeling again. It was by visiting our church. I didn't tell anyone we were coming. The last few trips to Ottawa/Montreal we were unable to work out a visit and I didn't want to risk having to cancel and then telling people why we weren't coming. Sitting in Westview Bible Church again just brought out so many wonderful memories! This is the place that we sta...

I Stand Amazed

God really does amaze me! No really. He does. Each and every day! Why? Because everything that goes on around me is just flat out amazing! I'm amazed by how awesome everything in creation is. I'm amazed at the incredible love and grace that was shown to the entire world at the cross. And I'm just amazed that God would use me, a complete nobody, to be a part of the work that he is doing in the world. I can't believe that I get to pastor a church. I can't believe I get the opportunity to learn from such wonderful professors at seminary. I can't believe I get to share my heart and what I'm learning with other leaders in the church. Who am I to equip people who've been in church leadership longer then I've even been a Christian??? I truly stand in amazement of all that God is doing around me and in me. I can't believe we've been at LifeSpring for six months! We're does the time go?!?! I'm standing in total amazement in all...