Would You Really?

Today I want to celebrate all that God has been doing in his church through men and women who have had the guts to follow His call and direction... especially when it would have been really hard and had great cost to do so. God has done some AWESOME things in the world because of people who were willing to challenge how the church works and to do what needed to be done... even though those decisions wouldn't have been popular or even considered acceptable.

Could you imagine what would it feel like to be called by God to be the first church to do something radically different from every other church in your community? What would you do? How would you even consider this if there were no books, no conferences and not a single other church doing this that you could study? You were completely and totally on your own on how to make it happen...

Would you protest the most powerful religious organization and make a list how it should be updated? Someone did that!

Would you be the very first church to bring in a different musical instrument? Someone did that!

Would you be the first church to allow mixed races to worship together? Someone did that!

Would you be the first church to consider meeting in a movie theater? Someone did that!

Would you be the first church to consider not building a church building but rather build a coffee shop? Someone did that!

Would you be the very first church to do video teaching? Someone did that!

All throughout history God has expanded his kingdom because men and women had the guts to do something that no one else was doing. I love how Craig Groeschel, pastor of Lifechurch.tv puts it:
"In order to reach people that other churches are not reaching, you have to do things that other churches are not doing!"
That is so true. It was true in the past. And I believe it's even more true today!

So... would you be willing to be one of those churches? Would you be willing to be one of those leaders? It would be HARD! It would be lonely! It would come with a great cost, either financial or personal! And you may not even live to see the full outcome of what you started.... but would you? It's an easy question to say yes to... until we're actually called to it...

Would I?


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