Back from Catalyst!

WOW!!!! That's all can say right now! Yesterday experience at Catalyst was just incredible! And I gotta admit... God really wrecked me! I've never felt closer to God than I did on my knees yesterday, crying in his presence!

I'm still processing all that God had to say to me through this event. I'll be blogging about it next week as it all becomes clearer.

I'm so grateful to everyone involved in putting on Catalyst One Day! Thanks to Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel for just bringing it!! I was so encouraged and minister to.

Picked up Craig's new book, The Christian Atheist. Started reading it this afternoon! Was awesome to meet him and others from the team. Their ministry has been such a wonderful blessing to me in my personal walk with God. When people ask who pastors me, Craig Groeschel is on the top of that list.

Praising God today for all that he has in store for me and my journey with Him!

(Picture of Danielle and I with Craig Groeschel. Gee... why does Blackberry bother with a built in camera when all the pictures always come out so bad???)


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