Spiritual Momentum in My Life

One of my big take aways at last week's Catalyst ONE DAY conference was how am I ensuring spiritual health in my life. As a pastor, it's so easy to run myself ragged and crazy trying to meet all the needs that I see around me. Ever since I've gone into ministry I've let my calendar control me... I've been at the mercy of not enough time to complete the big tasks because of the distracting tasks.

I was really inspired when Craig Groeschel and Andy Stanley shared what their weekly schedule looks like. I was inspired that I really need to put a schedule together so I can really ensure my spiritual momentum and physical health. The guideline is just a guideline... not written in stone... obviously life happens and I'm very flexible with that... but I'm praying this will help manage expectations at the church and create margin in my life for God to do great things in my heart!

So here is the work in progress of my schedule. I'm no expert in doing this so feel free to comment and help me work out the details :)

Each day from 9 am till 10 am is a time of prayer and reading God's Word for MY benefit, not for meeting or sermon prep! The day ends at 4:00pm which gives family time and margin for any necessary evening meetings.

Monday AM Church Admin / Integration / Draft Order of Service for Sunday
Monday PM Mentoring (for myself and others every other week) / Sermon Outline
Monday EVENINGLifeGroup / Ministry Team Meeting
Tuesday AM Staff or Elder meeting (every other week)
Tuesday PM Sermon Prep
Tuesday EVENINGLifeGroup
Wednesday ALL DAYOFF for Family! Untouchable
Thursday ALL DAYOpen day to meet with individuals, leaders, ministries
Thursday EVENINGMinistry Team meetings as needed
Friday AMLeadership development / Outreach
Friday PMFinish Sermon
Saturday AMLeadership Development / Outreach as needed
Saturday PMOFF
Saturday EVENINGSermon Review
Sunday AMLifeSpring Celebration
Sunday PM-EVENINGSABBATH with Family. Untouchable

How about you? How good at keeping margin and balance in your ministry?


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