Celebration Pastor

I'm pretty excited about all that God is doing at LifeSpring these days! There have been a number of ups and downs (and sometimes feeling like it's a pretty crazy roller coaster!) but it's been just great to see how God is working through all of this.

I'm really excited about the idea of bringing on a new, part-time staff member at LifeSpring! We're beginning the process of looking for a Celebration Pastor. The goal is that this pastor would be equipping and building up people to bring the Sunday Celebration service to the next level. This would then greatly free me up to focus more on our LifeGroups (our home groups) and outreach to the community.

We're praying a lot that we're on God's page. The last thing we want is for God to bless our plans. We only want to do what he's called us to do and to do the things he's called us to do!

If you know of anyone who might be interested in this 20 hour a week position, have them contact me and I'll send them the full description of what we're looking for.


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