Living Upside Down
This is just rambling... sometimes I just need to ramble here in this blog so God can do a work on my thoughts in my head :) This week I've been studying some of Jesus' very famous words. They come from his sermon that we Christians call The Sermon on the Mount. In particular I'm looking at the beginning section which we call the Beatitudes. When it comes to this message I think sometimes we can get pretty confused. I have gone to many different events, particularly men's events, where Jesus' words are set up as this unattainable standard... that Jesus is painting a picture of the perfect person. But since none of us are perfect that is why we need to give our lives to Jesus. Now, I believe none of us our perfect... and I believe all of humanity needs to give our lives to Jesus... But I think we're doing something very bad with this text when we do that. Why? Because Jesus never says that we can't do this. In fact, the text actually po...