Resurrection of the Blog

This blog has seen pretty much no activity this past year.  In fact, a number of times I have debated simply shutting it down for good.  After all, it was pretty much shut down already.  Apart from the daily hits it receives by people Googling how to throw a party for their pastor, I figured it didn't really have all that much more to offer than that.

As I was praying about it this morning, I felt it was time to bring this blog back from the brink of death and re-purpose it for the New Year.  Here's why.  And I'm going to be bluntly honest...

When I made the decision to leave a 14 year career in the computer industry to go into full time pastoral ministry there was a tiny little part of my brain that would say "If this doesn't work out, you can always go back."  Last month in my quiet prayer time something hit me hard.  I CAN'T GO BACK!  It's been 7 and a half years since I last worked in the computer industry.  In computer years I'm ancient!  All the skills and knowledge I had in that industry is gone.  All the systems I have developed are deleted, replaced with newer tech... tech that I know nothing about.  Tech I wouldn't even know where to begin to learn it.  That was pretty eye opening.  That little safety net was now officially gone.  So, there is no going back.  The bridge is burnt.  There is only an exciting and unknown future heading.  In the book of Philippians the apostle Paul wrote:
"No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us."
I think I've always been a look forward kind of guy... but now the importance of that has become even more exciting.  I want to refocus this blog on what lies ahead.  I'll be journal and sharing what I've been learning on this crazy and exciting journey of leading in the church.  I'm FAR from an expert.  Trust me!  All the people close to me who know my screw ups can testify to that.  I'm just a regular guy who loves and follows and extraordinary God.  My hope is that as we do this journey together we can bless and encourage one another.  And glorify God along the way, for his fame and our joy.

And I'll probably update that post on Pastor Birthday Party Ideas one day since so many people are still reading it :)


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