A Healthier 2021
As we begin a New Year, maybe my story can be an encouragement to those of you thinking about improving your health this year. This past year I started a fitness program called DDPYoga. Now, I know what you're thinking: I wouldn't be caught dead doing yoga. Me too! But this definitely isn't your mama's yoga! You can check out the program at www.ddpyoga.com . I didn't get involved with DDPYoga to deal with my weight. Sure, at 49 years old, I definitely could lose a few pounds... but my issue was PAIN! For as long as I can remember I have had constant back pain. Not crippling, keep me in bed pain, just a level of pain that never let up. Every single night I would wake up multiple times. Every single morning I would wake up exhausted and in pain. Most people didn't even know I struggled with this. It was easy to keep it secret. But those closest to me knew. My wife. My kids. They were the ones that had to deal with this the most. My pain kept me from enjoying life ...