A Healthier 2021

As we begin a New Year, maybe my story can be an encouragement to those of you thinking about improving your health this year.

This past year I started a fitness program called DDPYoga. Now, I know what you're thinking: I wouldn't be caught dead doing yoga. Me too! But this definitely isn't your mama's yoga! You can check out the program at www.ddpyoga.com.

I didn't get involved with DDPYoga to deal with my weight. Sure, at 49 years old, I definitely could lose a few pounds... but my issue was PAIN!
For as long as I can remember I have had constant back pain. Not crippling, keep me in bed pain, just a level of pain that never let up. Every single night I would wake up multiple times. Every single morning I would wake up exhausted and in pain.
Most people didn't even know I struggled with this. It was easy to keep it secret. But those closest to me knew. My wife. My kids. They were the ones that had to deal with this the most. My pain kept me from enjoying life and activities with my family. I hated camping, sports, and travel because my pain would constantly flare up sleeping in new environments. Even visiting my parents and staying in their guest room was dreaded because their soft bed would kill my back.
At 49 I was looking at a future of less and less joy.
And in my work as a pastor of a local church, you really can't afford to be exhausted all the time. It's hard to love and care for others when I'm secretly hurting.
A few years ago, my wife ordered me the DDPYoga DVDs. I don't know where she learned about it, maybe she saw Arthur's video. Since she knew I loved wrestling when I was a kid, she figured I may want to give this a try.
I did try it out. For about 3 weeks. My pain was at its worst and I was spiraling into depression. Work at the church was also going crazy and I couldn't manage it all.
I tried medicine, doctors, sleep clinics, physio, and chiropractors to deal with this pain. We spent thousands of dollars. I saw a bit of improvement... but nothing that would help me sleep at night.
In January 2020, my son and I decided to commit to a local gym. We both wanted to get healthier in 2020. We started going for 3 days a week. I hated it as it just made me sore. But for my son's sake, I kept going.
Then March 2020 happened and our city went into pandemic lockdown like the rest of the world.
I knew I needed to keep up the fitness routine we started, and since this was only going to be a lockdown for a couple of weeks (LOL!) I dug out the old DDPYoga DVDs.
After 2 weeks in the Beginner program, I ordered the DDPYoga Now app. Both my kids started the journey with me. When their school and work schedules kept them so busy they couldn't join me, I just keep up hitting the mat. By week 8, I started adding a workout on the day-offs. I would do 25-40 minutes 6 days a week. After all, even God took a break LOL!
Today I am finishing week 39!!
My back pain is nearly completely gone! I've been sleeping fantastic most nights. My energy levels have gone through the roof. I've been doing renovation around my house I never dreamed I could do on my own.
I laugh more. I have so much more joy. I play. I no longer suffer in secret.
And I've lost nearly 30 pounds!

I'll be turning 50 in April. I will also be celebrating 15 years as a pastor. I have 15 more years till I retire. I want my next 15 years to be the BEST YEARS OF MY LIFE! I'm going to start the DDPYoga Certification as my birthday gift to myself so I can be an encouragement to others just as this program has encouraged me!
If I can do this so can you!
I'll be vlogging more about my journey. If you'd like to follow along, just head over to my YouTube channel and subscribe.
I hope and pray that 2021 will be your best year yet!


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