The Journey - Next Step Nearing Completion

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm in the process of leaving the IT industry and heading out into the world of full time ministry as an associate pastor. This journey so far has been incredibly exciting, scary, humbling, and just a time to really learn to trust and put my faith completely in God even more.

Back in July when all this was really taking shape, my wife and I decided to break this journey into three main steps. First, get the job. Second, sell the house. Then third, find a house. Step one was completed on July 31 when I officially received the offer for the position. For for the past 2 weeks we've been deep in step two - sell the house!

Last night we received an offer. After a little bit of negociating we all came to an acceptable offer. This is just huge! The house market right now in Montreal is a little slow and was not really expected to pick up until mid-September. Having the house sell now in this market, for a fair price, and having the dates work out perfectly for our move is definitely a God thing!

The final documents for the offer are going to be signed this morning. They still have a few days to finalize their mortgage details but that shouldn't be a problem.

Hopefully by next week we'll be heading on to step three - find a house.

So those of you praying for us, please keep it up. We really really appreciate it.


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