I'm Now a Published Writter

I've always wanted to spend more time writting. I would dream of seeing my name in print in such great magazines such as The View or Lotus Notes Advisor... but there just never seemed to be enough hours in the day to get on that.

So almost 8 years since I've wanted to do this type of writting I've finally had my first article published. Of course it has nothing to do with computers since the big career change goes into effect Friday. I was asked by my new church to write an article for The Elmira Independant, a weekly local newspaper in Elmira, Ontario. I jumped at the chance and the article came out in last week's issue. Not bad. I haven't even started the new job yet and I've already accomplished one of my personal goals in life!

Here is the article.

So… Do You Trust Me?
By Kevin Presseault, Associate Pastor, Woodside Bible Fellowship

I’ve never been very comfortable around water.

As a young boy I would spend summers at my grandmother’s cottage.
My cousins and sisters would have a great time swimming and boating while I very cautiously participated, hoping beyond all hope that none of the older kids would try dunking me under the water. In canoe trips I would be nervous with every approaching wave; each looked about the size of a tsunami approaching our rickety craft. This discomfort even continued into my adulthood. During a trip to Jamaica with my wife, I went snorkeling and flashes from the movie JAWS started running through my mind. Even when I was baptized at the age of thirty, I wasn’t really sure the pastor would be able to safely pull me out of the tank.

This summer I saw how close the apple falls from the tree. I’ve noticed the same unease around water demonstrated in my children. One of my goals as a father is to help my kids overcome insecurities that might cripple them from doing something they would enjoy if not for their fearfulness. So I decided we really needed to make sure our kids felt at ease in the water.

My family was swimming at a friend’s pool, and I was trying to ncourage my three year old daughter to jump in so I could catch her. There we were, I’m in the water up to my belly button and this cute little girl is at the edge of the pool shivering in the cool air, too afraid to jump. In the most encouraging, loving, trustworthy father voice I could muster, I looked my little princess in the eyes and asked her a simple question, “So… Do you trust me?” A slight smile appeared on her face as she answered, “I trust you Daddy” and she leapt into the air. I easily caught her, confirming to her that she can trust me. We spent the next hour jumping in and out of the water together.

Little did I realize how often that simple phrase, “So… Do you trust me?” would be played out in our lives this summer.

When I learned of the position available at Woodside my initial response was that I shouldn’t apply. An encouraging voice asking, “So… Do you trust Me?” put me at ease. When the fear of leaving a comfortable position I’ve had for nearly fifteen years would cause me to start sweating, a loving voice would ask, “So… Do you trust Me?” When the thoughts of leaving life long friends in Montreal would cause doubts to creep into my mind, a trustworthy voice would simply whisper, “So… Do you trust Me?” And just this week, as I lay awake in the middle of the night on my dad’s couch in Toronto, worrying about selling our home and finding a new one in Elmira, my Heavenly Father’s perfect voice saying, “So Kevin… Do you trust Me?” helped me fall asleep peacefully.

Trust. Not always an easy thing to have in this day and age. It seems like we’ve become a culture that is truly lacking in trust. In two short months I learned a lot more about trusting God than I thought possible. I’ve been reminded of Jeremiah 29:11:

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

It reminds me that God really is in everything that happens in our lives. His plan is to prosper and not harm. His plan provides hope. His plan is perfect. His plan simply needed me to trust and follow. He didn’t need me to solve any of the issues for Him. He had every single angle covered. When my fear would kick in with every puddle, stream, lake, pool, river or ocean, I’ve needed to remind myself of one simple thing, “Yes Lord. I trust You!”

So… Do YOU trust Him? When you’re standing at the edge of the pool do you know beyond any doubt that you can trust your Father in Heaven?

Here are two simple things you could try in order to build more trust in God.

  1. Pray God will use you for something new. I’m not saying to pray that God will call you from your job and have you move to another province. Start small. Pray and ask God to use you in a new way. Whether it would be to volunteer in a community charity, or simply sharing your faith in Jesus with a neighbor, just ask God to stretch you from your regular comfort zone. You will have to trust Him to accomplish whatever task He gives you.
  2. Find a small group of believers to pray with. I would not be where I am today without the prayers and support from a small group of my Christian buddies that I met with every Monday night. We would share our hopes, dreams and fears and be there for each other. Building strong relationships with other Christians will help you learn to trust others and to trust God more intimately as you witness Him working in the lives of your group.

Don’t be afraid of the water. Trust that God will get you through whatever fears may be blocking you from an incredible adventure.

Now… I think I saw a waterslide on the way to Elmira. I might check that out… maybe.


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