This is tough!!!

I'm currently working on a critical review paper which is due on Tuesday. This is the first time I've written a paper for school in over 15 years! This is a LOT tougher then I thought it was going to be!

Sure, I write somewhat regularly in this blog. And I've been know to send out the frequent 4 to 5 page email on church ministry issues or geeking out over the latest movie or Warhammer miniatures... but this is so much different. When I blog, I don't particularly care if my grammar comes out okay, or even if I come across as a simpleton :-) Blogging and emails are a simple, fun, form of communication between friends and colleagues.

But for this school paper... Man oh man! The instructions to follow on the layout, format, citing sources, review criteria and all the other aspects of the paper are 30 pages! The paper itself only needs to be 5 pages (and that's double spaced so it's actually only 2.5 pages). Normally, I could pump out 2.5 pages in about 30 minutes... but of course, with this I'm trying to appear smart and show that I know what I'm talking about :-) Oh, and I'd also really like to get at least a B grade on it (I figured I shouldn't aim for an A on my first paper cause I'd be setting a precedent).

Good thing I still have all weekend to get this finished. I'm hoping to have the first draft done by tomorrow evening so I can get a couple of people smarter then me to review it and comment on it for me.

It probably would have been easier to do this if I wasn't up until 2am yesterday, driving back home from Toronto after seeing The Phantom of the Opera (ooopppss! forgot to do a review of that today). Maybe after a good night sleep and a nice relaxing day off tomorrow it will go a lot easier.


Robin said…
Hey Kevin... Just looking at my site statistics and noticed I had gotten some hits coming to me from your site. So, thanks for linking to me! Looks like we may have some things in common so I'll have to come back sometime.
Pastor Kevin said…
Hey, no problem. I stumbled onto your blog about six months ago when I was Googling for blogs put out by pastors and missionaries.

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