200 Friends on Facebook and Other Ramblings

Last night I hit 200 friends on Facebook. Looking over the list this morning I was pretty blown away by the people there. I've heard from friends from my grade school, my high school, my college, my seminary, my partying days, my family days, my singing and dancing days, and pretty much everything else in between. I was also reflecting on just how every single one of them has in some way shaped who I am today, whether in some very tiny way or by being life long friends... and I gotta say, I'm so thankful to God for each of everyone of you! Without the part you played in my life I wouldn't be the man who I am right now! God ROCKS sending some incredibly different people into my life!

Other things I'm thinking about today:
  • Tonight is our last session in the Alpha Course. I've really enjoyed being a part of this ministry. I think this was a great experience for everyone involved and will continue to stretch and grow us as a church as we learn to be open to people's very difficult questions about Jesus.

  • The next couple of weeks are going to be INSANELY busy! I really need to be getting some good night sleeps in this time. The last thing I want is to be sick the week of my Christmas vacation.

  • I would really love to put together a guys night here at the church where I would do an interactive teaching on The Man in the Mirror. As a pastor, I really want to connect with the men here at the church and let them know how much I care for them and want to see them be the best fathers and husbands that they can be.


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