Prayer for 2009
For the past 4 years I've been doing the One Year Bible. I try to read the passages selected for each and every day. Sure... some days I miss... It's not about being legalistic or anything... just wanting to draw closer to God through the regular reading of the Bible. I also like to kick start that reading time with a very short prayer that I repeat each time so that God will really work on my heart as I spend that quiet time with him. This year was a pretty crazy, roller coaster ride as it came to my walk. I have felt both incredibly close and incredibly far from God at different times. I was blown away by his mercies and grace in some areas of ministry, and frustrated and hurt by his apparent lack of involvement in others. I've both loved seminary and been overwhelmed by it. It's very interesting to go back and look at the short prayer that I put together for each year. I can see how God moved in each one of those years... 2005 - Passion for God's word, his...