The Sticks Conference

I'm definitely considering attending this conference! This would be fantastic to network and meet with other pastors who are living the same context that we're in here in Elmira. Too many times I find myself reading stuff from the "Big City" churches... and wondering how does that translate to the small town that I live in??

the Sticks conference from newhopewired on Vimeo.

(If you're reading this on Facebook, click this link to see the video).


Pastor Kevin said…
I just registered... Should be very interesting by the looks of it.
chazzdaddy said…
And I look forward to meeting you both. Thanks Kevin for propping it!

Let's all learn together!

chazzdaddy said…
Thanks Chad! Who ya bringing with you?

Looking forward to networking with everyone!

chazzdaddy said…
Akron-Canton is closest, but small.

Cleveland is 10 min further.

Columbus 20 more.

Either of these are easy and fast options.


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