You Gotta Read "It"

On Saturday I picked up the new book by Craig Groeschel, It. By Tuesday I had completely devoured it. I loved it. It has got to be one of the best books I've read all year!

In fact, I got so much from it that I just ordered 30 copies of it from so that I can get everyone on my ministry leadership team to read it.
Every church leader, whether on staff or a volunteer needs to read it.
I haven't read a book that fast in a long time! So... I'm going back to it and going to really spent some quality time in it. I want it to bring it more fully into my life. I want it to allow it to help in every aspect of my life and my ministry. And above all, I want it to help it become something in me that will never go away and will draw others to it.
Go. But it!


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