Great Rant!

I get a lot of inspiration from reading the blogs of other pastors and people out in the world making a difference. This morning I just read a post from Gary Lamb, pastor of Revolution Church from Canton, GA. I read his blog on a regular basis. I love his passion and his honesty.

Anyways, he has a great rant about church planters that I think is definitely worth the read. You can find it HERE. I think he totally hits the nail on the head with this one! And I think this doesn't just refer to new church plants, but ANY church that wants to be more effective at reaching hurting people in their community. It's a VERY easy thing to say and looks great on paper or in a presentation to the elders... but when the rubber hits the road, how many of us REALLY want the broken and the hurting to be sitting in the pew beside us? And how many of us are REALLY interested in going into those place, which are right in our communities, where life is very different from our clean, crisp, problem-free Christian environments?

If you're really not interested in all the really tough problems that people are facing in our world today then don't pray that God will send them to you :-) You might not be very happy with him when he sends you exactly what you've been praying for.

Thanks for the great post Gary!


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