The Armor of Religion - Part 2

The more I look at this, the more I'm convinced that we really need to start dropping our Armor of Religion.

Piece #2 - Breastplate of Wickedness

"But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness." 1 John 1:9

I don't think we confess our sins enough... in fact, I think were becoming increasingly permissive on what we allow ourselves to do and say. Why is gossip so rampant in religion when the Bible clearly says not to do it? Why do religious people say or write incredibly hurtful and nasty words because they didn't like the sermon or music choice on a Sunday when the Bible clearly says to treat other people as better then ourselves? Religion creates Wickedness! Religion causes us to focus much too much on the externals of our religious traditions and ceremonies and causes us to forget to look at our own hearts! We don't seek God's forgiveness and asking him to purify our hearts when we are so focussed on the rules of our religion.

Our hearts should be covered with a breastplate of righteousness. Admitting our sins. Seeking forgiveness from God AND from people we've sinned against.


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