
I'm nearly completed my sermon for this Sunday.  Since I only preach a couple of times a year I really don't have a very good system in place for putting one together.  The course I took at seminary on Intro to Preaching helped... but I find with my regular work load I'm not able to stick to that format very well.  Oh well... I guess this is just one of those things that comes with more practice :-)

Since I'm preaching on Resolutions I've spent a lot of time thinking about my own life and areas where I would like to improve.  This year I'm keeping the resolutions to three.  This way it's much more manageable and more attainable then having a list of 5 or more...  so here they are in no particular order.

Drop 20 pounds.  I've been getting really pudgy around the mid section... and I just don't like it.  I starting to look at an exercise and diet plan which would help me to reach this goal.  I'm also hoping that this plan will help to get my cholesterol down a tad as well... not that it's over bad... just want to do a better job of staying healthy.

One Year Bible Reading with my wife.  Last year, Danielle and I started going the One Year Bible together each morning before starting our day.  It was such a great way to get the day going well, reading the Bible and praying with my favorite person on the planet.  We did begin slacking off on this with Danielle starting work earlier which meant less sleep... This year we are going to do a better job of going to be at a decent time to get back on that morning routine.

Get on the floor and play with my kids more.  I've been so thankful for the relationship that I have with my kids.  I think I've done an OK job of balancing ministry and family... but I know that there is always room for improvement.  It just hit me today that my kids are VERY QUICKLY getting to the age where they would rather be with their friends then play with me!  I don't have too many days left of getting on the floor and playing with them so I need to make sure that I take a HUGE advantage of that this year!

So those are my three resolutions this year.  Now I'm working on putting together the plan and finding the partners to help me to stick to them.


Anonymous said…
those are all great resolutions!
Hope that your sermon works well and blesses those who need to hear God's voice.

Sunday blessings!


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