Six Things... Actually Seven #2

Continuing to look at the six things, I mean seven things, that God hates according to Proverbs 6:16-19. Today we see one that appears pretty obvious...

#2 A Lying Tongue

So God hates it when we lie. Is there any surprise there? But I find this remember quite challenge this morning... not that I really consider myself someone who lies a lot... but how easy it is to stretch and not be honest about how things are going in order to make myself look better than I am.

We all do it. We want people to think we have everything all together. We want people to think we're smart enough and talented enough. And the last thing we Pastors want is for people to think that we don't have all the answers :) So we lie. We keep information to ourselves. We don't really let people get to know the real us. When we live that way I think that way, pretending to be better than we are, I think we distance ourselves from God and how he wants us to be living.

So may prayer today is that God would get rid of my lying tongue. That I would speak his truth in love and grace each and every day. And that my life would reflect the love and grace of Christ is all that I say and do.

How about you? What's God telling you today about your lying tongue?


Joel Bennett said…
Thanks Kevin it is really good watching God do HIS work in yo...praying for you today

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