Trust and Obey

I'm not a hymn guy. AT ALL! In fact, good old fashion hymn-sings are flat out scary to me. Remember, I didn't grow up in church and the "classics" are not classics to me... they are completely foreign to me.

Anyways, that's a rant for another day :)

This afternoon I do have the song "Trust and Obey" floating around my head. Here is a great updated version of this song if you're not familiar with it (if reading this on Facebook, click this LINK).

I'm really learning a lot lately about trusting and obeying. I'm learning more and more how little answers I actually have to a lot of big questions, in ministry and in family life. I'm learning more and more that with every step I take in faith God is with me in it! I may not know exactly what He has in store for me, but I know that I can keep on walking, trusting and obeying Him!

And that's a really cool spot to be!

God isn't impressed with my leadership skills or my plan. He's pleased by my faith. That's it! And that's the area of my life that I find He is growing more each day. My faith in Him allows me to trust and obey.

Like the songs says, there is no other way to be happy in Jesus than to trust and obey!


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