One Prayer Wrap Up

Hard to believe the month of June has come and gone! At LifeSpring we wrapped up our One Prayer series yesterday, and I gotta say it was probably BY FAR the best series since I've been at this church! Here are just a few of the highlights from the past month.
  • Yesterday's prayer time was AWESOME. Great to hear people confessing their sins and asking for God's blessing as we begin the new At The Movies series next week.

  • Don't know what the amount was... but I'm guessing by the weight of the collection basket that our special One Prayer offering was more then our regular giving! Can't wait to hear how God will use that gift for his glory.

  • Our Celebration Pastor Intern has done INCREDIBLE work with our worship and tech teams! Sunday mornings feel like a completely different place!

  • The teaching during One Prayer was incredible. Craig Groeschel, Steven Furtick, Dino Rizzo and Kevin Thomas are incredibly anointed men of God! Their messages challenged and encouraged everyone to be Unstoppable!
These are just a couple of the things in my head this morning that I'm praising and thanking God about.


Joel Life Coach said…
Great to hear Kevin...I continue to pray for all that God has for you and Life Springs....Want to do coffee next week?

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