
Showing posts from September, 2010

Getting Settled and Rested

Hard to believe we've only been here in Ottawa for a full two weeks... with the amount of work that's gone into getting our home set up you'd think we've been here a lot longer! :) Kids are settled into their new schools. Danielle has started her new job. And I'm learning the ins and outs of the church here. Last night was a nice quiet evening... even though there was more work around the house that I could have been doing, I simply relaxed and got caught up on some much deserved rest. It's funny how rest just doesn't come naturally to me. There's a something in me that just wants to keep working. With a basement to finish and repairs around the house I could easily be busy all my waking hours. Yesterday was a great reminder for me to take time to just relax and listen to God. In my message on the Journey of Obedience yesterday I touched on Exodus 15:26 "If you will listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in ...

The Journey

Life is full of different journeys. Some journeys bring us to far off places. Others are journeys of transformation... journeys that when we reach the destination, we are no longer the same. Yesterday, I began a new 4 week preaching series called The Journey. A lot of it has come from the journey that my family and I have been on over the past few months. Just last week, we moved from the Waterloo-region to our nation's capital, Ottawa. This was a journey that had us on our knees a lot in prayer, and LOTS of discussions with mentors and friends. The journey was exciting, nerve-racking, sad, joyful, confusing, and faith building. It's quite amazing all the different emotions you can go through when God is prompting! I kicked off the series talking about our Journey of Faith and the questions that can hinder the journey that God wants to send us on. Who am I? Who are you? What if? Why not someone else? These where the questions that Moses asked God at the burning bush...