The Journey

Life is full of different journeys. Some journeys bring us to far off places. Others are journeys of transformation... journeys that when we reach the destination, we are no longer the same.

Yesterday, I began a new 4 week preaching series called The Journey. A lot of it has come from the journey that my family and I have been on over the past few months. Just last week, we moved from the Waterloo-region to our nation's capital, Ottawa. This was a journey that had us on our knees a lot in prayer, and LOTS of discussions with mentors and friends. The journey was exciting, nerve-racking, sad, joyful, confusing, and faith building. It's quite amazing all the different emotions you can go through when God is prompting!

I kicked off the series talking about our Journey of Faith and the questions that can hinder the journey that God wants to send us on. Who am I? Who are you? What if? Why not someone else? These where the questions that Moses asked God at the burning bush before his journey to free the people of Israel began. They are also the questions that I asked myself MULTIPLE times while we were on this journey to move and start a new ministry.

In Hebrews 11, the Bible tells us that it's because of faith in God that Moses was able to handle his journey. And it's that same faith that will get us through our journey as well... no matter what that journey is, it's all about faith in Jesus Christ. He is there with us at every step of the journey. I've definitely experience that over the past few months. Though several times God felt incredibly silent I know for a fact that he wasn't absent! And my faith is stronger today because of it.

Next Sunday, we're going to look at a Journey of Obedience. Not always easy to be obedient in our world... so I'm sure God is going to be teaching me a lot on this over the course of the week.

I've said this in different venues... but again, THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who walked with us on this journey. Thanks to everyone in Elmira and Waterloo and at LifeSpring who supported and cared for us in this. Thanks to everyone here in Ottawa and at Greenbelt who prayed and encouraged and helped. We appreciate everyone so very much!


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