Getting Settled and Rested

Hard to believe we've only been here in Ottawa for a full two weeks... with the amount of work that's gone into getting our home set up you'd think we've been here a lot longer! :)

Kids are settled into their new schools. Danielle has started her new job. And I'm learning the ins and outs of the church here. Last night was a nice quiet evening... even though there was more work around the house that I could have been doing, I simply relaxed and got caught up on some much deserved rest.

It's funny how rest just doesn't come naturally to me. There's a something in me that just wants to keep working. With a basement to finish and repairs around the house I could easily be busy all my waking hours. Yesterday was a great reminder for me to take time to just relax and listen to God.

In my message on the Journey of Obedience yesterday I touched on Exodus 15:26
"If you will listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his sight, obeying his commands and keeping all his decrees..."
How am I doing listening to God? How good am I at hearing his voice in my life? In the craziness of life it's way too easy to forget to stop and listen... and this leads us down the path of disobedience... Taking that regular time to just be still and listen to God... taking Sabbath to spend time praying and playing with my family... those are a really wonderful time for me on my journey of obedience.

I'm incredibly grateful for how God has worked in our family during this time of transition. Moving is not easy. Leaving friends is not easy. But God is faithful when we are obedient to his voice.

How are you listening to God's voice and being obedient to Him?


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