Be Joyful Always?

I'm always amazed at how it's the little, tiny verses in the Bible that really seem to stretch and challenge me the most.

This week I was reading 1 Thessalonians... and verse 5:16 really hit a cord in me.
Be joyful always.
Very small. Very simple. Easy to skim over. But how am I doing in that area of my life? Am I joyful always? In every situation that I find myself in, am I joyful? Or do I allow myself to get grumpy and crabby? Is my joy only situational? When things are good and I'm content, I'm joyful?

How can I work at always being joyful? The next two verses give the answer: pray continually; & give thanks in all circumstances!

Pray for me is not simply a 20 minute prayer time in the morning to kick start my day... but rather a continuous conversation during the day. Sure, from time to time, I'm doing most of the talking... but when I find those quiet moments during the day when I can just chill and listen then I find myself more joyful and more open to what God is doing around me.

I'm SOOOO thankful for all that God has given me. I have an incredible wife. I have fantastic kids. I have great family and friends. I'm thankful for the churches I've served in and the one where I currently am. I'm thankful for the new friends we've been making here in Ottawa. I'm thankful for the work that God in doing in this city.

When my prayer times get eaten away but other stuff in life... and when I start taking things around me for granted... then I start losing my joy.

This was a good reminder to me this week. Pray continually and give thanks in everything. Then I'll be joyful all the time.

How's your joy this week?


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