Encourage One Another

This Sunday I'm continuing our series on LIFE and living a life of encouragement. We are looking at the life of Barnabas and how he encouraged the early church. I'm reminded this morning of the verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:11
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

I am SO grateful for the men and woman who have encouraged me in my life. Especially those who have encouraged me in my spiritual walk with God.

I remember too well the criticism I received from some people when I shared that I thought God was calling me to leave the IT profession and become a pastor. They were critical that God wouldn't use a new believer like me... or someone from my background... or someone without a masters degree and education. It was quite a discouraging and doubtful time. Was I just being conceited and prideful wanting to go into ministry? Was I not walking with God closely?

But I had many others who were INCREDIBLY encouraging. Yes, they questioned. Yes, they challenged. But it was done in a spirit of trying to build me up and to encourage me to constantly seek the will of God. Those prayers and discussions with friends and mentors were life changing! I'm the man I am today because of their encouragement!

So, who are you encouraging and building up? How have you been encouraged? How are you encouraging the people around you?


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