My Gift to my Heavenly Father

I love Thursday afternoons!

Since starting here at Greenbelt as the Teaching Pastor I've worked something new into my regular work week. Every Thursday afternoon I run through my Sunday sermon several times, sometimes as many as four.

When I originally started this I thought it would simply help me to deliver a better sermon on Sundays. I never realized how much this would help me personally and spiritually. This has really turned into a wonderful relationship building experience between me and God.

As I start the first run through, I feel like a little kid who's made a home made Christmas present for his dad. Sure, it's not perfect. Sure, I may have colored outside the lines or cut it all out crooked... but I gave it MY ALL! I tried my best! And I can't wait for my dad to have it. I look forward with anticipation to give this gift to my father. I just know that he's going to love it! And every week, I just feel it in my heart that he's well pleased with my gift to him. And he takes that gift and does much more with it than I could have possibly done with it on my own!

I'm SO thankful for the relationship that I have with my Father... that he loves me so much and he loves the gifts that I present to him. Every Thursday I leave the church feeling encouraged and supported and loved by my Father!

Man I love Thursday afternoon! I got another gift all ready for him so I'm heading to the sanctuary to give it to him now :)


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