If We're Still Here on Sunday...

I've had a number of conversations with people, both Christian and non-Christian, about all the news coverage surrounding the idea that this Saturday, May 21st, has been calculated as Judgement Day by a guy named Harold Camping. And to be honest, I've kept my opinion on this matter to myself. But I do want to say something to the people who truly believe that they will be seeing Jesus face to face on Saturday... and they may be struggling with the fact that it's Sunday.

I just want you to know that God loves you!

I'm sure you're feeling very confused... I'm sure you in a place of doubt and hurt... You may be feeling betrayed or even lied to... I want to simply remind you that God hasn't abandoned you nor has he forsaken you. God loves you so very much!

Please don't let the fact that it's Sunday, May 22nd, taint your opinion of God. Please don't let it taint your view of Jesus Christ and what he did for you by paying the price for all of your sins on that cross 2000 years ago. Please don't let it cause you to distrust the church and her leaders and pastors.

God loves you so much. You will be with Christ for eternity as his follower... it just didn't happen the day you were hoping for.

I want to encourage you. If you're confused, if you're angry, if your family is hurting over this, please find someone you can talk to. If you're here in the Ottawa area, feel free to join us at Greenbelt this weekend. We're not going to mention the event this Sunday, or tease you or anything like that. We just want to be here to love you and support you in this confusing time.

Or just drop me an email and I'll help you find a church and some people who can talk to you and support you through this.

God loves you... never stop believing that!


Dave said…
What the heck? Why have all the Xtian gone batsh!t crazy?

Who is this dude and what koolaid has he been handing out? I thought the Xtians were a cut above cults...

*shaking my head in dissapointment*


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