Greenbelt Online - You Free Monday to Help Me??

If you have between 45-60 minutes to spare on Monday, you could really help me out.

My church is preparing to launch an online church experience in the New Year. We're really excited about this technology and the potential to bring the love of Jesus to our city and around the world.

I'm looking for people who could give me some simple feedback on the online church that we're going to set up. I'm especially interested in the opinion of people who don't normal attend church... or have never experienced an online church service... No matter what you're background is you could be a HUGE help to me.

So... at noon and 7:30pm EST I will be logged on at experiencing their church online. I would love for you to join me for one of those two times. Simply sit back and enjoy the experience. Then email me at and tell me that you were there... I'll send you an email with 2 very simple questions. Everyone who helps me out by answering the questions I'll send a $5 Starbucks card!

If you'd like more information about this please don't hesitate to contact me.



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