Take Small Steps to your BIG Vision!

I consider myself a big picture, vision type of person.  I can see the clear destination on where we need to go as a organization.  I can see the problems that are preventing the results we are hoping to accomplish.

But when it comes time to put the steps in place to get to the vision... I struggle, get easily distracted, and get lost in the details.

I've had to learn how to take small steps today to continue to move towards where we want to be tomorrow.  And this is challenging for me as well, since, probably like you, I wish I was already at the vision I see so clearly in my head!  It's not my default to naturally work this way.

Here's a real life example of this that I'm working through.  Our church is growing.  We are seeing an increase in families, in young singles, and in older couples coming.  We are seeing people from no or little church background come.  We are seeing people coming to faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour.  We are seeing people get engaged in the life of the church.  This is all very exciting!

But as our church has moved from a small congregation to a mid-sized congregation the demands on the pastor have had to change.  We've made the change from everything going through the pastor to seeing more leaders lead.  But we're not there yet... and the vision we have as the leadership team is to see vibrant, passionate, engaged leaders raised up to lead new areas of ministry such as Digital Missions, English Language Drop-In Center, Church Planting, and other exciting things God has put on our hearts to do.

But we don't have those leaders yet.

So it's easy for me to get frustrated... or we can sit around and hope one day, maybe, a leader will suddenly appear...

Better idea is to change what I do today to be where we need to be tomorrow.  So what do I do today to develop these leaders who will lead?  What small steps do I need to put in place in order to reach our big vision?

This requires me to be very disciplined and focused on how I use my time.  In order to intentionally raise up leaders means I need to allocate time to doing that.  That means I have to free up time... which means I have to stop doing some things... which means I need to hand those off to the right staff/volunteers around me.  I need to make small changes to each day in order to free up the hours necessary to raise up these leaders.... to cast vision... to hear their hearts... to hear what God is doing in their lives... to guide, mentor, encourage and equip.

These small steps seem slow... but they pay off BIG TIME in the long run.

So what small steps do you need to take today?  What small changes to your daily routine, whether in your organization or in your family, do you need to make in order to move towards the vision God has given you?


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