It's Alive! Alive!

After nearly a year of being dormant, I'm resurrecting my blog :)

I've greatly enjoyed blogging over the years. It's been a great exercise for me to grow and develop as a leader. It's also been an amazing tool to look back over the past and see all the great things that have gone on in my ministry and life.

The first way that I'm going to be using this blog is to host the new Video and Audio Podcast that I'm working on called The Leader Lifter. I've been incredibly blessed to be able to learn from so many great people. My desire is to be a pastor and leader who passes that along to equip others in their ministry and leadership. The podcast will focus on different aspects of leadership that I'm learning and developing in my own life.

Secondly, I'll be using the blog more regularly to write. Writing is not my strong point. I know I need to improve in this area so this will be a public way for me to improve in this by blogging about spiritual growth, church systems and another other topic I feel like writing about that day.

I hope you'll join me on this journey. Please feel free to add comments and pose questions on anything here.


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