Heavenly or Earthy Wisdom

I have a lot of strong opinions. I really do. And I have a lot of strong opinions and many, many different topics: church, pastoring, theology, family, faith, health, politics, the economy, the pandemic... and these are just the few I can easily think of.

With so many topics and so many opinions, it can be a challenge to discuss them with people who hold a different viewpoint than my own.

Social media algorithms have created little micro-communities based around of our opinions. You can easily find people who hold your view point, while never engaging with others from a different opinion. In fact, it can make us feel like the entire world agrees with me, so if you don't, there is something seriously wrong with you.

Thoughts and viewpoints don't just simply stay in the back of our minds where we forever turn them over again and again. Eventually they all lead to action. How we talk to others. Decisions we make in our daily lives. The challenge for the follower of Jesus is this: am I using wisdom in my thoughts and actions the way God calls me to, or do I use wisdom the same way that the world does.

In the letter from James in the New Testament we read the following:

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.

James puts the question out there for us. Who is the wise and understanding people among you? Who are the "you"? It's the church! In the church, what shows the evidence of someone who is wise and understanding? It is the person who shows this through their good life, their deeds.

James goes on to explain this further to help us have a clearer picture of what those actions look like. In fact, he puts it into two categories: Heavenly and Earthly wisdom.  

Earthly Wisdom

In James 3:14 we get a glimpse of this earthly wisdom: bitter envy and selfish ambitions. These are not flattering words. James even goes so far as to say this type of wisdom is earthly, unspiritual, and demonic!

When I share one of my many opinions, it is easy for me to become passionate about it. I love talking about the stuff I have an opinion on. For example, I love talking with anyone who will listen about why I think the Disney Star Wars Sequel Trilogy is the worst thing to ever happen to Star Wars! Silly example, I know... but if you have ever gotten stuck in that conversation with me, you know full way how passionate I can get! And how closed minded. And how angry!

Here's the danger of my opinions. Hidden deep within me is also the intense desire to be RIGHT!

Do I present my opinions to learn from a different viewpoint and to grow my understanding? Do I share them to be a blessing to someone else? Or do I argue every little point to convince people that I am right?  You should believe what I believe?

It is subtle in how selfish ambition creeps in.

How can you recognize if that happens? Thankfully James tells us. When this happens you will find disorder and every evil practice. In other words, you find broken relationships, anger, jealousy, bitterness, rage, judgement, and disunity in the body of Christ.

Over the past 18 months, churches around the world have had to navigate some of the most challenging issues of this generation. It hasn't been easy. There have been a lot of opinions.

Sadly, based on the evidence we can see from the fallout of broken relationships, there has been a lot of Earthly Wisdom

Heavenly Wisdom

Wisdom that comes from God is different, noticeably different!

James 3:17 tells us that wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure. It doesn't contain the envy to be right or admired or respected.

It is also peace-loving, considerate, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. These are some pretty beautiful descriptions of what the actions of the church of Jesus should look like.

Do my opinions and thoughts on my passion topics lead to actions and deeds that look like this? Peace-loving? Considerate of other people and their opinions? Mercy? Good fruit - which is another amazing list of joy, peace, gentleness, self-control! 

Lord, I sure hope so!

Heavenly wisdom is what changes the world. If you are a Christian, remember when your heart was transformed and you gave your life to Jesus? It was probably in response to heavenly wisdom.

If you're not a Christian, which type of wisdom have you seen more of in the culture around you? Heavenly or Earthly? 

We need more Heavenly Wisdom

So much has changed over the past 18 months. And it's not over yet!

As follower of Jesus, let's a pray for more and more heavenly wisdom. The world is watching us. The world is desperate for a touch of heavenly wisdom coming out in your deeds and actions.

This is the work of the church. This is the work that Jesus died for. Let's put away our earthly wisdom.



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