Regroup. Refocus. Relaunch.


It's a vast understatement to say that the past few years have been hard.

In February 2020 I lost my step-mom to an ugly battle with cancer. March 2020 saw the beginning of lockdowns and scrambling like crazy to figure out how to still be a church without meeting in person. Then in December, I had to put my dog, Paisley, down due to illness.

2020 sucked!

Then 2021 hit. The gaps in leadership development and discipleship in the church began to show. Long-standing members of churches disappeared as they headed off to a church more in line with the pandemic response. Relationships crumbled over politics and theological differences. The realization that we're never going back to "normal" in ministry became a clear reality. I also turned 50 and I realized I needed to change how I take care of myself.

2021 was hard!

2022 started by feeling more hope-filled. While gatherings were regularly back to in-person noticing who is no longer with you hurt. Tiredness has become the norm among church leaders I talk to. Financial pressure with inflation and increasing interest rates have impacted everyone, stretching families and ministries to have to make very difficult decisions.

2022 was tiring. 

Now, there were some amazing things that have happened in my life and in my ministry since 2020, but the cultural shifts and challenges we've all experienced have left a permanent mark.

This is why my church is going through an initiative this year to Regroup, Refocus, and Relaunch. We need to regroup spiritually. We need to get back to the main priorities of our ministry and our partnerships. And we need to relaunch our mission and vision which have been paused as we just responding to so many challenges.

But here is a hard truth - it's not just my church that needs to regroup, refocus, and relaunch.

I desperately need to Regroup, Refocus, and Relaunch. I will be using 2023 to regroup, refocus, and relaunch my spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness. Let me share a few things that I'll be doing and maybe it will encourage you on your journey as well.

Spiritual Wellness

As a follower of Jesus, I believe this is where I need to start. Everything flows from the love of my Heavenly Father. I need to deepen my love for him, become more and more like Christ, and experience the power of the Holy Spirit in practical ways.

Here are just a few of the changes I'm making to regroup, refocus, and relaunch my spiritual walk with the Lord:
  • Each weekday I gather with a group of pastors and ministry leaders from across our city to pray together. This group is focused on bringing unity across our city among pastors and leaders. We all come from different ethnic and denominational backgrounds. It's diverse, It's WAAAAYYY out of my comfort zone and I just LOVE IT ALREADY.

  • Over the entire year I will be taking a course at Ellel Ministries Canada called Explore. For one weekend a month, I'll be going away with Danielle to grow in our personal relationship with the Lord and also become better equipped to help others.

  • No cellphone Sabbath. Getting back to the idea I started last year to put away my cell phone from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. It's so great to just enjoy Sabbath without email, texts, social media, and other distractions!

Emotional Wellness

Over the past few years, I have put a lot of work into my emotional wellness. I've struggled with depression, anger, and every other feeling since 2020. 

Here's how I'm going to regroup, refocus, and relaunch my emotional wellness in 2023:
  • I've gotten back into journaling regularly. I'm not doing it daily but getting a few days in each week. I have found this discipline a great way to capture thoughts, dreams, frustrations, and anything else I need to get out of my head :) I'm also getting this blog going again and getting back to the Revitalize Podcast with Danielle.

  • Friday night date night or game night. Each Friday I'm alternating between a date night with Danielle or getting together with friends to play a game. It's way too easy to forget to spend time with the people I love and enjoy. 

Physical Wellness

This has been a big part of my wellness journey since 2020. I've lost 66 pounds. I became certified as a fitness instructor. I've changed my relationship with food. 

Even though I've made great improvements, there is always more I can do!
  • I'm changing my workout routine to include BFR bands to improve muscle density and strength. I'm also focusing on flexibility and core strength. I'm hoping to get my BMI to under 25 and my Body Fat % to under 17%.

Regroup, Refocus, Relaunch

2023 is a year with a lot of potentials. We have all learned so much since 2020. Let's seek God in our wellness journey to take some time to regroup, refocus on what he reveals and launch into the mission God has for each of us.


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