
Showing posts from 2025

A Week Retreat at Kerith Waters

The first step of my Sabbatical is a week long retreat with Danielle at Kerith Waters. If you are not familiar with this place, it is run by Focus on the Family Canada as a part of their Clergy Care ministry. Here is brief description from their website.  This seven-day ministry leaders renewal retreat offers you personalized care and group instruction to help you achieve a healthier rhythm in your personal and vocational life. Pausing from the busyness of ministry life has helped over 1000 guests examine and overcome the distractions that have hindered their personal lives and relationships. Those who have attended this retreat have returned to their homes and churches feeling refreshed and renewed through His Spirit. We have heard great things about the retreat, but don't fully know what to expect. I'm trusting that the Father will use this time away to speak and give some direction to how he wants to meet with me throughout the Sabbatical.  We arrived safe and s...

The Sabbatical Begins

I love my church! I know a lot of pastors say that and it can sound pretty cliché,  but I really do! We are a great of ordinary people on an extraordinary journey with Jesus! We are not perfect, but God's perfect love is growing in us more and more each day. I'm grateful to my church for the opportunity I know have to take a 4 month Sabbatical. I dont take this gift lightly. I also don't see this as simply a chance for me to grow in my faith. I'm expecting this to have a ripple effect throughout our church. I'm grateful for everyone's prayers and support during the prep time. I'm thankful to the rest of our staff who are filling in gaps for me. I'm excited about how God will use the next 4 months to grow us and transform us. I'm planning to keep a public journal here on my blog of the things that Gos is showing me. I hope this may encourage you to continue to pray for Danielle and I in this journey. I also hope this will help you along on...