New Year Prayer

In January 2005 I started doing the One Year Bible as a way to encourage me to spend quality time with God in His word every day. I also came up with a short prayer that I used each morning as I started my day. I wrote this prayer on the inside cover of my Bible.

My prayer in 2005 was "Give me a passion for God's Word, His people, His world and His service". My passion for serving the church really took off that year. As did my joy in meeting new people and trying to live a godly life in my career.

2006 was a huge year for us. In early January, my wife and I spent a lot of time in prayer and felt this was the year that big change would happen in my career. The computer career had huge challenges as I was branching out trying new technologies and roles. Life at church was also really stretching me and helping me to step out in faith.

My prayer for 2006 was "Help me hear You more clearly and give direction in my career and family".

Needless to say, God spoke quite clearly where He wanted us to go. It took awhile to see it, but by the end of the summer His direction was clear and we made probably the biggest decision of our lives to leave a 15 year career, a great home, an awesome church, and wonderful friends to move to Elmira, Ontario.

This week I started up the daily reading again. My new 2007 prayer is "Continue to build in me a stronger servant's heart and use me as You see fit in the building of Your kingdom".

If 2007 is only half as exciting as last year then I know I'm in for a great ride!


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