School Starts Tomorrow

I just returned from Heritage College and Seminary. I just registered for my first semester there. It was a tad odd being back in a school... back in college I was a pretty awkward and geeky guy, lacking in a lot of self confidence. Funny how walking around, lost on a school campus, trying to find where you're supposed to register and find the appropriate information can bring back those old adolescent feelings of dorkiness :)

This semester I wanted to start easing courses into my schedule so I'm only taking one class. Since it's the winter session the two prerequisites I need to take for of my Biblical courses are not available. I'll need to take those next September. This gave me only 4 courses to chose from. After talking with the advisor I chose to start with Ministry Foundations. Here's the blurb from the course catalog:
This course is a foundational study of the theology and philosophy of the church and church leadership. Attention will be given to the biblical images and instructions given to the church and its leadership
Sounds pretty interesting. Glad this is going to be my first course and not ancient Hebrew! The course starts tomorrow and is every Tuesday afternoon until April 17th.


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