May Referrers
Way back when I used to write my blog using Lotus Notes, I would regularly post how people stumbled their way onto this site. I always enjoyed looking at those lists and seeing the weird searches that brought people to my little part of the cyber world... I just recently started tracking referrers on this Blog using eXTReMe Tracking. It's a pretty neat tool and provides some great statistics on how my site is doing. So now I can start looking at how people found me again :) Here's the list for the past 3 weeks. presseault : Yup. That's me. Surprisingly I came up as the number 2 spot on Google with that search. John Presseault comes up first... and that's my dad! Ok... now I gotta figure out how to beat him on that list :) pastor kevin shepherd : Not quite... it's pastor Kevin Presseault :) Actually I still find it VERY weird when people call me Pastor Kevin... or Pastor Presseault... that just has too many Ps in it. Kevin will do just fine :) ebible repair : I didn...