Free Comic Book Day

Yesterday was Free Comic Book Day. This is an annual event where a large number of comic publishers put out a special issue which is given out for FREE in order to help encourage new readers.

I headed out to our local shop, Carry-On-Comics in Kitchener, with my two kids and a friend with his two boys bright and early. Since I've never been to one of these events before we wanted to make sure we didn't miss it. We had a great time.

Carry-On-Comics had a great set up. They were giving out 2 comics of your choice (from about 40 to chose from! That was tough!) They also had a sample figure from the games Heroclix and Star War Miniatures. The kids each took a Batman Heroclix figure and a comic.

After that we headed over to Toronto. We were going there to visit my sister. Since she's has a comic store just up the road from where she lives, I figured we should check it out :) The store, Red Nails, didn't really have anything noticeable that they were doing Free Comic Book Day except for a poster at the door. We asked if they were giving out comics and the guy there handed us a HUGE pile of comics. There must have been 25. Very cool. The kids just loved it.
All in all, our first Free Comic Book Day was a great family outing with the kids. They are already asking me when is the next one :)


Robin said…
Dang it, I completely forgot.
Pastor Kevin said…
Do you like Manga comics? They gave me TOKYOPOP CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON 2007. I'll never read it. Email me your address and I'll send it to ya if you want it.

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