May Referrers

Way back when I used to write my blog using Lotus Notes, I would regularly post how people stumbled their way onto this site. I always enjoyed looking at those lists and seeing the weird searches that brought people to my little part of the cyber world...

I just recently started tracking referrers on this Blog using eXTReMe Tracking. It's a pretty neat tool and provides some great statistics on how my site is doing.

So now I can start looking at how people found me again :) Here's the list for the past 3 weeks.
  • presseault: Yup. That's me. Surprisingly I came up as the number 2 spot on Google with that search. John Presseault comes up first... and that's my dad! Ok... now I gotta figure out how to beat him on that list :)
  • pastor kevin shepherd: Not quite... it's pastor Kevin Presseault :) Actually I still find it VERY weird when people call me Pastor Kevin... or Pastor Presseault... that just has too many Ps in it. Kevin will do just fine :)
  • ebible repair: I didn't realize that it was broken... if you haven't tried yet then head over there! It's great. I still mainly use for my searches because they have more translations available. When has all those translations (which I heard is coming soon!) then that will be my one stop shopping for Bible searching.
  • difference between a pastor and associate pastor: An associate pastor does whatever his senior pastor tells him to do :) Actually I'm reading a fantastic book called "Leading from the Second Chair" by Mike Bonem & Roger Patterson. It's a great look at how to live out your dreams for ministry while at the same time complementing and being a part of your senior pastor's dream for the ministry. A great resource for everyone who fills a role in churches (and even businesses) where your leadership falls under the leadership of someone else (and isn't that pretty much all of us???)
  • free ebible for ipod: eBible on an iPod? Not a bad idea... if you can read off that small screen. I have an iPod Nano... way too small to use as a reader.
  • Being an associate pastor: I LOVE IT!!! I hope you do to!
  • civil: You probably found my post about the comic book Civil War. Pick it up and read it!
  • simple description of krypton for kids: It's the planet where Superman was born :)
  • encourage new pastor: Do it! Especially if your new pastor had to move to a new city to be a part of your congregation. That means this family doesn't know anybody and are going through a TON of new changes in their lives.
  • amount of time to get passport: I guess that depends on the country :) I was quite fortunate to receive mine in time for my trip to California.
  • didnt get my passport on time: sorry to hear that! That's a bummer.
  • 3A: BINGO!!
  • Heritage College: That's where I go to school. Here is their website.
  • experiencing life together: This is an AWESOME small group study. We actually just finished our first six week study last night. And we're going to do the next one in September.
  • top 10 pastor blogs: Am I in the top 10?!??! Probably not but I can dream can't I? :)


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