Need a Geek-Out Break!
Yup... this week has been incredibly crazy! I'm nearly finished working on my sermon for this Sunday. I should be done before lunch. It's a LOT different then I was originally planning. It's also a tad longer :-) I was hoping for a bit more music then normal so maybe I should just talk fast. I really hope this will hit a cord with a large number of our congregation on the importance of Evangelism. My wife and kids will be going to Toronto this afternoon until Saturday night so they won't be in the way while I get cracking on finishing our basement. Tonight I'll be starting by organizing the garage. I need to start here so that I have a place to put all the boxes that are coming out of the basement. I also need a place to store all the wood and dry wall that is going to be delivered tomorrow morning. But before I get started on this project I'm in need of a little geek-out time. I have a free ticket to see Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Suffer. An...