This Week is Going to Be NUTS!

Monday morning coffee hasn't kicked in yet so I better go and grab another one :-)

This week is looking like it's going to be a whirlwind of a week! I like being busy and I like working hard so I'm sure it will be exciting... I just need to be smart with the planning of my time.

As I mentioned before I'm starting to work on finishing my basement. I'm really excited to get that project finished. We could certainly use the space in our home. I received an incredibly nice offer from a guy in our church who is a carpenter. He is going to spend the day with me on Saturday putting up all the studs and drywall! That job alone would have taken me a month so I'm thrilled with his offer to help. In order to be ready for Saturday, I have about 50 boxes which are being stored in the basement to sort through and find a new place for them. Normally I would just throw them in the garage but that is a disaster right now as well and would need to be organized to make room for them. I also need to clear out a ton of the kids toys which are down there as well... then I need to knock down two walls and the hanging ceiling. Why the demolition? The previous owner had a hair salon in the basement so it was partially finished. We want to make it one big giant play/family room.

This project alone would keep me busy all week... but I agreed to go golfing tonight with a group of guys (gotta have some fun too right?). And tomorrow night I'm going to the circus with the family (more important family fun!).

On top of this I'm preaching this Sunday so my work week here at the church will be double duty. I LOVE PREACHING and love putting about 20-30 hours into this... and since I only do it a couple of times a year I have too many ideas and topics to chose from floating around in my head :-)

So like I normally like to say around here "Bring it on!"


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