Podcast Clean-Up

I love podcasts. In fact, I love them so much I've now found myself subscribed to over 30 different podcasts! From faith, to comics, to Star Wars, to Wii, to ministry, to technology. They covered a huge spectrum of my interests.

But reality has kicked in... the reality that there is NO WAY that I can listen to all of these podcasts. My listening and reading time just seems to be very limited so I need to manage it a lot better. And besides, my little 1G iPod Nano can't hold that many non-listened podcasts. So I figured it was time to clean up house.

I've decided to keep it down to just four podcasts (five if Wayne ever starts up his podcast again)... I took out all the technology ones (seeing as how I don't work in tech, and can't afford to buy all the newest toys) and hobby stuff (there are enough great websites to cover that).

So here is my list of podcasts that I'm sticking with for now:
  • Rick Warren's Podcast: This is a FANTASTIC podcast for pastors! I would recommend this to everyone church leader (volunteer or staff). Being still new to ministry this has been a wonderful ressource for me.
  • Catalyst Podcast: This podcast is great for church leaders looking at how to reach a new generation. I love everything about this ministry!
  • The Meeting House Podcast: I love this Canadian church. There are setting up satellite churches all around Ontario (and I hear rumours about a church in Montreal). I'm really challenged by Bruxy Cavey's message.
  • Granger Community Church: I really like what this church is doing...

I'm sure this list will change from time to time...

Now, to look at my reading list and see what needs to be cleaned up there :)


Robin said…
Bruxy's stuff is great. I also listen to Rob Bell/Mars Hill stuff, Ravi Zacharias, and a couple of Japan podcasts. I spend a lot of time in my car so it makes the trip more enjoyable and productive for sure.
Pastor Kevin said…
Back in Montreal I had a 1.5 hour commute to work... so there was tons of time for reading and listening to podcasts. Now I live 1.5 minutes from the church... so I've lost those 3 hours a day of quiet listening time.

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