One Year Ago Today

Exactly one year ago today I packed up the last of our belongs to get ready for the movers. Then on September 21st, 2006 we left Montreal for our new lives here in Elmira, Ontario.

So hard to believe that it's a already been a year! And what an INCREDIBLE years it's been! As I think back on all that has been going on in our family and work this past year I'm just amazed on how it has all played out. Let's face it. A complete career change can be a scary thing... especially when you have a young family that you're supporting. But God has been so good in all of this and I can't even imaging doing life any differently!

Here are a few of this past year's highlights:
  • I sure don't miss paying Quebec taxes!! I took quite a big pay cut going from computer consulting into ministry and my actual bi-weekly pay is identical to before! I make a lot less but my cash in hand is the same. All that extra money went straight to taxes... and I find that our public services are actually better here in Ontario then in Quebec. Explain that one??
  • I love our neighbourhood. We have such a great house and live near some wonderful people! In our last house we NEVER talked with our neighbours... everyone was always hidden away in their houses. Here people are outside and chatting at the park and it's just great! I love that sense of community.
  • I so LOVE my job here at the church. Sure, sometimes I look frazzled and frustrated, but that's just occasionally and doesn't change my absolute love for what I'm doing :) I can't even imagine how my life would be if I was still in the computer industry.
  • Having my mother-in-law live with us is great. Sometimes I miss walking around the house in my boxer shorts but that's a small price to pay for having her with us :)
  • I love going to seminary. I just love the courses that I've been taking and really learning so much!
  • I've been eating a lot less junk food and exercising a lot more! Gotta love getting into a healthier lifestyle.

This has been such a great year for us. I'm totally pumped and excited for the years to come as we serve here at Woodside!


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