Open Minded Christian for Sale

Drew Marshall, host of one of Canada's most listened to spiritual talk shows, is auctioning himself off on EBay.

Here's a blurb from the EBay listing:
This is about dialogue, NOT debate. It's been my experience that even the phrase, "Open Minded Christian" has been a bit of an anomaly, especially in the North American evangelical scene. The Drew Marshall Show is attempting to model for the Christian community, healthy dialogue NOT debate. Over the years, "Evangelical Christians" have been known more for what they're against than what they're for. Subsequently, the Evangelical community has gained the reputation of shoving their agenda down the throats of others. They're certainly not known for being open-minded listeners who genuinely care about others, despite whatever contrary world view that person might have. It's our feeling at The Drew Marshall Show that "Jesus people" should love others enough to shut up & listen! Only at this point can healthy "dialogue" begin. Only then can we begin to move from a "conversion" focus to a "conversation" focus.

If you're interested in participating in this experiment, we'll take the money from the highest bidder and donate ALL of it to Compassion Canada - A well-respected child sponsorship organization that I've supported for years. No catch, no proselytizing, no pressure!

I love this guy! So... if you're interested in being a guest on his talk show and explaining to the world what you believe head on over to EBay and place your bid. Here's the link to the auction.


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