Crazy Love!

Gee... this one post a week is getting sad... gotta get the writing juices flowing again :)

Just started reading the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. This is the kind of book that really gets my heart pumping. How am I really letting my love for God and his love for me to radically transform my life? Am I quick to just give God my todo list... or do I spend enough time listening for his voice and his plan for my life and ministry?

My wife and I are doing this book as part of our personal devotion time. We're praying a lot for God's love to make even more of a difference in our lives!

This is going to be part of our focus at LifeSpring during the summer as well. We're going to be studying the book of Mark. Why? Because I really want us to understand the heart of God by looking at how Jesus lived out his live and his ministry. Jesus said "if you've seen me, you've seen the Father". I praying that this examination on the crazy love of Jesus, a love so crazy that he would do things that religious people wanted to kill him for it, will transform us to love the world with the same crazy passion.

Can't wait to start this one!!


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